Friday, October 22, 2010


They listened to the babble of waves,
Which glowed in the burning sun.
Smooth breeze pampered their talks,
The light green grass was velvety
And her fingers played on their tips.
They observed the beehives
In between the fat thighs of the bamboos
And the queen bee collecting nectar
From the red flowers of freedom.
The stone sculpture stared at them.
He smiled, she blinked.
An expression was created
By the nature; and she tried to imitate
That old tree with no leaves!
They made stories…no, fantasies
With less colors and adept ideas.
His nails turned white to pink
Holding the pencil.
And her eyeballs turned blue,
In excitement, watching that transformation!
Silence was in the air,
In that crowdy park.
As they were in a different world,
Where there was no place even for heaven’
Coz, the union of two parallel lines
Was witnessed by the bright sky !